Training Offerings
Business Process Re-engineering
You will be trained in Competitive Business Advantage Analysis and subsequent Business Process Re-engineering to tie employee activities and information systems together to support corporate goals and objectives.
Software Development Project Management
Learn the Unified Modeling Language, Relational and Object Oriented Analysis and Design, and Software Project Management to lower software maintenance costs, increase overall quality and allow reuse of code. Emphasis is on Software Development and the faci
DataBase Management and Programming
Learn SQL while learning Oracle, Sybase, and Microsoft Relational DBMS' including MS Access and MS SQL Server and how to convert data from and to flat files and relational database managers. Understand Object Oriented DBMS' and persistence entries in the m
The Java Programming Language
Java is the powerful object oriented language about which everyone has been talking. Java is not just a language but a virtual machine that provides a consistent platform to develop software. Java is everywhere now.
The C Programming Language
C is perhaps the most significant language of our time, in that it has formed the basic foundation for almost all of the languages that came after it. C++, Java, Perl, and many other languages are based on the syntax, function calling, and memory access me